Leading-level intelligent diagnosis of CNS diseases
Intelligent identification of medical imaging, quantitative analysis of whole brain structure, assessment of brain health conditions, intelligent prediction of disease risks, and data support for clinical research
Massive Chinese brain imaging database World-level advanced algorithms Seamless integration with clinical system Streamlined workflow Strict control of data security
Rapid and quantitative imaging assisted diagnosis of stroke
Quickly obtain the imaging indicators required for acute stroke Provide accurate image analysis and quantitative data results Assist clinical practice in quickly developing the best treatment plan
Immersive personalized VR cognitive assessment - rehabilitation training
Utilizing triple cutting-edge technologies such as eye tracking, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality (VR) Quickly evaluate cognitive function and generate personalized rehabilitation training plans Implement cognitive motor dual training, covering the entire process management of assessment rehabilitation training
Brain health examination services
Multiple sequence deep and comprehensive brain examinations The most advanced AI technology internationally provides accurate and fast image analysis Provide customers with professional, comprehensive, and high-end five-star physical examination services
Big data of Chinese brain imaging + cloud computation + world-leading AI technology
12月4日,由广州市开发区管委会指导,华润置地、润加速产业加速器、香港科技园、润慧科技园联合主办的“穗港联动,加速创新”RUN CAMP广州站暨两地产业创新交流会在广州润慧科技园盛大举行。